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counter strike 1.6 no steam crash exploit


Counter-Strike 1.6 No Steam Crash Exploit
: # Exploit Title : Counter-Strike 1.6 No Steam Crash Exploit
: # Date : March 4th 2012
: # Author : X-Cisadane
: # Software Link :
: # Version : 1.6
: # Category : Desktop (Windows) Applications
: # Platform : Win32
: # Vulnerability : Crash Exploit
: # Tested On : Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3
: # Greetz to : X-Code, Muslim Hackers, Depok Cyber, Hacker Cisadane, Borneo Crew, Dunia Santai, Jiban Crew, CodeNesia, Axon Code, Jember Hacker, Winda Utari
Proof Of Concept
1.This my default Counter-Strike No Steam installation directory : C:\Program Files\Counter-Strike 1.6\
2.Open default Counter-Strike No Steam installation directory and open the directory named cstrike (C:\Program Files\Counter-Strike 1.6\cstrike\)
3.Find & Open motd.txt and replace the contents with this code :
HTML BODY IFRAME src=”file://þ:/filename” /BODY /HTML
5.Run Counter-Strike 1.6 No Steam
- Create a new game, Choose the map & set the gameplay.
- Start your game! Waiting until map loaded & the motd show
- And Counter-Strike 1.6 No Steam Forcibly Closed (Crash).
1.Ini direktori saya tempat menginstall Counter-Strike No Steam : C:\Program Files\Counter-Strike 1.6\
2.Buka direktori tempat menginstall Counter-Strike No Steam dan buka direktori bernama cstrike (C:\Program Files\Counter-Strike 1.6\cstrike\)
3.Temukan dan buka file motd.txt dan ganti isi file tersebut dengan koding di bawah ini :
iframe src=”file://þ:/filename” width=”320″ height=”240″ /iframe
5.Jalankan Counter-Strike 1.6 No Steam
- Buat sebuah Server, Pilih map dan atur permainan.
- Mulailah permainan! Tunggu hingga progress bar selesai dan map berhasil dimuat serta motdnya muncul.
- Dan secara paksa Counter-Strike 1.6 No Steam akan tertutup.
NB : Exploit ini bisa dikembangkan, monggo bagi yang dah master silahkan dicoba-coba

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